Benefits of Using Drywall in Your Home

Are you looking to completely remodel your home? Perhaps you’re in the market to change one or two rooms, making them bigger/smaller/more convenient for you and your household? Whatever the case, whether it's a big job or a small job, you'll want to ensure that you are using materials that will last a long time, can withstand the business of a full household, and that adds value to your home. You certainly won't want to lower the value of your home by using unsuitable materials. 

Drywall is a material that is often considered in home remodels — and for good reason. There are many reasons why using drywall in your home is a good idea, the main one being that it is a cost-effective material that will not devalue your home. 

Drywall is easy to work with, can be cut down to suit any room or job, and is unfussy enough that you can work with the material even as a relative novice. It doesn’t require specialist knowledge to work with, unlike other materials like plaster. The pre-constructed material comes in sheets that you trim, cut, and put together as required, which makes it perfect for small spot repairs and easy to repair should the drywall itself become damaged. It is quite a soft material, so it will dent or become damaged easily. Fortunately, repairing drywall damage is a relatively quick and simple job that can, once again, be completed by a novice, with a little internet research beforehand. 

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Drywall can also make your home remodeling job quicker, unlike other wall/ceiling-building materials, which can take a long time to work with, such as brick, wood, etc. It takes less time for construction, especially with its cut-and-place nature, and it can be ordered in sheets and then cut to size on the premises. Other materials can sometimes require specialist cutting skills, especially with bespoke projects. As you can imagine, not only does that mean working with drywall is a quicker process but it also means that you have more freedom with your design. 

As well as being easy to work with and relatively cheap to use, drywall also offers you a range of other options when it comes to finishing the wall or ceiling. It can be plastered, painted, or have wallpaper attached to it. You can create any kind of room style or aesthetic when you use drywall, and you can also change your mind and change it again in the future with more ease. 

There are different types of drywall, each with its own pros and cons. Regular or white boards of drywall is the most common type, but the more expensive green board offers properties that make it better suited to a bathroom, basement or kitchen. The latter is water-resistant. Another water-resistant type is blue board, which also has a high level of mold resistance. This type is better for plaster finishes, however, and doesn't work well with paint. 

Paperless drywall, using a fiberglass covering rather than a paper one, also carries a high level of water and mold resistance, but is slightly more difficult to work with and offers a less smooth finish. Type X, soundproof, and purple drywall are also other types you could look at, the latter offering the highest level of mold and water resistance, and Type X offering fire-resistance. 

One great benefit of drywall that many people don't appreciate is the added insulation it offers a home. You can use the material virtually anywhere for walls and ceilings, and the way the material is constructed means that it works well to add an extra level of insulation to the property. Hot air is kept inside during the colder months, and colder air will also stay in the property for longer during the hotter ones. In turn, these benefits will save you money when it comes to heating or cooling your home. 

And finally, drywall is a great material for adding extra soundproofing to a property. When used as ceiling material, it can help to muffle the sounds of people walking around or moving upstairs, and it can also add more soundproofing on the same floor, between rooms, when used in the walls. There is actually a soundproofing-specific type of drywall made with gypsum, various wood fibers, and other materials, called soundproof drywall.

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